Sunday, July 31, 2011

Grease Monkeys Team 457 is back!

I just came back from the Texas Robot Roundup at Anderson High School in Austin, Texas. This was the first time in two, almost three years of being to a robotics competition and it was stressful, exhausting, exciting, fun, and everything else I could remember. This time I was here as a mentor, which I have to say isn't as fun as being a student but seeing the spirit in these kids and having a whole team of first timers, it was so exhilarating. This was an off season competition and the first day on Friday was the mentor match and the second day was for the students. I've met some great people these past two days and I am hooked ONCE AGAIN!

Check out the news article for the 2011 Texas Robot Roundup.

Check out the teams facebook page at Grease Monkeys - Team 457 to get info on what they are doing through the season. Though its a work in progress, I believe we can get this team kick started into a good season.

Here are some pics from the mentor match, though we did bring students on friday so they could practice a little before saturday. There really isn't many pictures of myself because I stayed in the stands and did some scouting. There were some really great teams.

Here are a few students with a new mentor (the one in black)

Here is their robot in action, they named it "Chango"
Group Picture of the New Team


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